Facebook – Unable to tag business page


I'm unable to tag a new business page (one week old) I made for my client.

I already tried few things that I found on the internet:

  • adding page's about section
  • unpublish and publish again
  • no age and country settings are set up
  • profile has a profile photo and cover photo
  • there is a call-to-action button
  • I added other basic info
  • I posted some posts even with photos
  • tried to change username

I'm the page owner and the client is also an administrator, I have a business and I'm owning the ads account from that business page for the client… Maybe there is some setting there I didn't found yet?

Also, with my personal account I CAN tag the clients business page, and with my own business account I can't tag the clients business page. Other people also can't tag the business page.

All help is useful!

Best Answer

After hours of trying different things, I finally found the answer myself. If you stumble around the same problem, you can try to change the page name. Sometimes the name is heavily used and it can happen it doesn't show up to the list.