Facebook – Use a name for Facebook Page, that was used for regular profile before


When I first registered a Facebook account in 2008, I did not understand about Pages. But in a misguided attempt to "reserve" my website name, happiocracy.com, I used it as my personal user name. So I got a nice URL, www.facebook.com/happiocracy.

But I now want to use this URL for my Facebook Page that is about happiocracy.

I know that Facebook doesn't allow transfers to another account, but in this case, the transfer would be to a different Page in the same account. I was thinking of changing my personal User name but I'm afraid that it will then become unavailable even to me. I'm wondering if I can simply use my present personal page for my website and open a "new" page for myself.

But in this case I shall lose all my personal contacts. This would be a nuisance but not an insurmountable problem. But the easiest way would simply be to transfer "my" URL to a Paqe. Any bright suggestions that will not fall foul of Facebook's rules?

Best Answer

From what I have read around the internet is that:

  • Facebook allows you to change your profile username once but Facebook pages are given no such chance. So change your Facebook profile username to something else. Once you are done with that, you wait for Facebook to release your username [this can be around 2-3 days to 2 weeks]. Keep checking everyday if the username is available, and once it is, snag it.

  • The second option is to contact them through this form and explain your position. Hopefully, they should get back to you with your desired username for the page.