Facebook – When Was the ‘Like Page First’ Requirement Removed?


Facebook used to need to LIKE a page first, before they can like any content (photo, comment), when this has taken out?

When Non-fan want to like any post of the page, (e.g user comment, photo, or other content). When Non-fan click on the like, Facebook will ask them to like the page before they can do that, I just found out Facebook does not work like this any more.

May I know since when this had changed?

We are planning to having a contest to ask Facebook user to like our fan page, before the like to the photo, but with current Facebook setting, user can just like the photo without like our fan page.

Best Answer


must not use Facebook features or functionality as a promotion’s registration or entry mechanism. For example, the act of liking a Page or checking in to a Place cannot automatically register or enter a promotion participant


must not condition registration or entry upon the user taking any action using any Facebook features or functionality other than liking a Page, checking in to a Place, or connecting to your app. For example, you must not condition registration or entry upon the user liking a Wall post, or commenting or uploading a photo on a Wall


must not use Facebook features or functionality, such as the Like button, as a voting mechanism for a promotion

See Facebook's Promotion Guidlines for the rest of rules and regulations.