Facebook – Verifing as a Facebook developer (Country not available under mobile registration)


I am having problems verifying my account to be a facebook developer.


Your account must be verified before you can take this action. Please verify your account by adding your mobile phone or credit card.

When I click mobile phone I get to http://www.facebook.com/mobile/?settings

then under Register for Facebook Text Messages, the list does not include Singapore. What should I do? I dont have a credit card tho

Best Answer

In fact mobile setting are only for your Facebook account (to receive alerts by SMS for example). Using this page you can't either confirm a cell number from China for example.

This is the URL you should use: http://www.facebook.com/confirmphone.php (this page will offer the complete list of countries).

Alternatively you can also use this page: https://www.facebook.com/update_security_info.php (Singapore is available in the list of countries), this trick was found on the link provided by @marko4o (http://bugs.developers.facebook.net/show_bug.cgi?id=16375#c126).