Facebook – View a list of URLs that I Like in Facebook


I'm testing the Like button out, and I'd like to check which 'Likes' have been recorded against a Facebook account.

How do I view a full list of URLs that I've previously Liked?

Best Answer

You can get a list of URLs that you have "liked" by using the Developer APIs

You will need to use the fql.multiquery method in the Facebook Query Language.

Enter this query exactly as is in to the queries text box in the test console:

{"query1":"SELECT object_id FROM like WHERE user_id = me()","query2":"SELECT title, summary, url FROM link WHERE link_id in (SELECT object_id FROM #query1)"}

The multiquery method is very particular about whitespace.

This will return a list of all objects that you have liked alt text

and then underneath this it will then return a list of Links that you have liked. alt text

You must be logged in to Facebook in order for this to work.