Facebook – way to post an image post from the Tumblr blog to the Facebook wall


Is there an automated way to post an image post from my Tumblr blog to my Facebook wall? I've been looking at using IFTTT, which I've used before in the past for automated tasks like this, but I couldn't seem to find anything like this.

Best Answer

It seems to me this recipe should do what you want:


Tumblr channel, New photo post trigger

Available Ingredients:

You'll want PhotoFullUrl or PhotoThumbUrl or possibly even Url, depending on what you want to post. Probably also want to use Caption and or Tags.


Facebook channel

You probably want to use "Upload a photo from URL" action, but possibly "Create a link post" and use the URL from your Tumblr post. It all depends on how you want it to appear. ("Create status message" only allows for plain text.)

This recipe is probably enough to get you started. There are others: search for recipes that use Tumblr and Facebook.