Facebook – What Counts as an Unanswered Friend Request


According to the Facebook FAQ, users may have their ability to send friend requests temporarily disabled if too many of them have gone "unanswered or been marked as unwelcome." I understand this is to prevent spam. But my question is, just what does Facebook consider to be an "unanswered" friend request? When the recipient clicks "Not Now"? When they delete the request? Or do they have to actually mark it as spam?

Also, does anyone know if the number of mutual friends is taken into account?

Best Answer

Clicking "Not Now" will hide the request so you can take action on it later. If you choose to hide a friend request, a notification for the request will no longer appear on your home page. To confirm or delete the request later:

  1. Go to the Requests page.
  2. Select "See Hidden Requests."
  3. You can confirm or delete individual requests or delete all of your hidden requests.

If you hide or delete a friend request, the sender won't know.
