Facebook – Difference Between Fans and Followers of a Page


Some time ago Facebook introduced followers for a Facebook page. So now Facebook pages can have both followers and fans. They have separated statistics and everything. In one of my page, followers and fans grow and different rates.
My question is, What's the difference between fans of a Facebook page and followers of a Facebook page?

Best Answer

Liking a Business Page When an individual likes your page on Facebook, they automatically opt into following your page. This means that your posts will be seen in their feed and you will be listed in their ‘liked’ directory. It’s important to know that users can unfollow your page after liking your page, which means won’t see your content very often.

Following a Business Page Facebook users have the option to follow a page without hitting the like button. These types of followers will still see your posts in their newsfeed, but they won’t be considered a like on your page. This option was set up for people who didn’t want to befriend someone on Facebook but still wanted to see their posts