Facebook – Where did the Facebook Notes settings go


I used to configure Facebook to automatically pull from my blog and generate Notes, but I don't want anymore.

Unfortunately, the settings for this system seem to have changed, and I can't find the Notes' settings anymore. Any idea where it is?

Note: I was not using twitterfeed or any third-party application, but the Facebook-provided feature described here.

Best Answer

After 2020.10.31, "Facebook Notes" (A, B) is being deprecated (programmer-speak for a "Deleted"/"Killed" feature basically) quietly/silently with nearly zero warning.Screenshot from 2020-11-05 02-02-08 #Log.png using Google Chrome 81 Stable BuildTheir entire/only warning message, only shows at facebook.com/($user)/notes_drafts in 1-2 lines, is easy for anybody to miss.

Their reason we have to guessvestigate (because there is not any official reason, it would seem random to the normal average user who relies on the Notes feature) is:

"I haven’t discerned exactly why Facebook is discontinuing the feature other than it’s simply a little-used remnant of a failed strategy."

"Facebook promised media outlets that publishing through something like Facebook Notes would result in new monetization opportunities and millions of new subscriptions. I didn’t see how that could happen and deep down, the publishers knew they were being scammed, too."

—Mark Schaefer, COO of B Squared Media,, who was marketed the feature at a Columbia University meeting, https://businessesgrow.com/2020/10/14/facebook-notes (https://archive.today/Kmm4j, https://archive.today/kI2EX, https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://businessesgrow.com/2020/10/14/facebook-notes)

Facebook did not give any substantial/tangible warning other than the screenshot evidence given (we would be dreaming to expect megacorporations to give equal information for marketing blitzes as for wild deprecation retreats, there is not any User Law requiring informing users whose important profile data is trampled), so others finding after the fact that their drafts are gone who did not make https://www.facebook.com/dyi "Download Your Information" backup archives are going to be totally suprised, caught off guard, and deeply hurt users.