Facebook – Where does facebook take “People have been here” data from


Simple question I cannot find an answer to:

Where and how does facebook get the data for the number of people who "have been" to a place?

Is it all GPS / mobile data?

If you live in a certain location does this contribute to the "been here" number?

It seems the number correspends rather well for cities.

Sofia has about 2m Citizens, and 1,8m "people have been here".

Best Answer

The photos and posts which have location tagged will automatically appear in People have been here

exp - If I've been to Taj Mahal, and uploaded a photo on Facebook with location Taj Mahal, it will contribute 1 to People have been here count, and if I also tag 5 of my friends in that post, it will contribute 6 to that count (obviously IFF they haven't included in that count before, by them self, or some one else)