Facebook – Why have the likes gone from 192 to 90 in a single mouse click


I am running a contest to increase likes. I logged in to see what my likes were and I had 192—a steady increase I watched all day. I switched from my business page to my personal page and back to my business page and my likes were suddenly at 90.

Does anyone know why this would happen?

Best Answer

There is an official (but IMO extremely unconvincing - and somewhat dated) 'explanation' here:

Sudden drops in likes can be the result of accounts that are voluntarily deactivated or memorialized. These accounts will be removed from a Page's like count, which makes audience data even more meaningful for your business.

Learn more about ongoing updates to page like counts on our Facebook for Business Page: https://www.facebook.com/business/news/page-likes-update.

You can also follow these instructions to better understand where your Page unlikes came from: https://www.facebook.com/help/536056199791995/?ref=u2u.