Force two copies of the same song in different albums on Google Music Manager


I created my own "greatest hits" "album" for one of my favorite bands by copying songs from their other albums into a new folder. I still have their studio albums in separate folders as well, and I have edited the album tag of the "greatest hits" copies so they are different from the original mp3s. For example:

Folder – Album 1
– Track 1.mp3, with album tag "Album 1"

Folder – Album 2
– Track A.mp3, with album tag "Album 2"

Folder – Greatest Hits
– Track 1.mp3, with album tag "Greatest Hits"
– Track A.mp3, with album tag "Greatest Hits"

The other tags (artist, title, etc) are all uniform; Album is the only one that is different between the studio folders and the greatest hits folder.

Google Music is not uploading both versions of these songs; it is instead only uploading the "Greatest Hits" version of these "duplicate" songs, leaving my studio albums with gaping holes in their tracklistings.

How can I force Google Music to upload both versions o the same song?

Best Answer

I logged a ticket for this with Google and they said "working as designed". Changing tag info wont work; you need to change fingerprint of file. Use Audiocity to open and save or add a silent millisecond to change the track fingerprint. It will upload after. Google is trying to be too clever here.