Gmail account is full and can not free space by deleting emails


Need help! My e-mail at work is at 99.9% full. I can’t delete anymore messages to free up space, and the storage that is available for sale through Google does not apply to Gmail.

What can I do to preserve 5 years worth of e-mails and continue using my account? Someone had suggested that I change the e-mail address on the current account and create a new one with my old e-mail address.

That way all the old e-mail will be stored and I will start fresh with my same old e-mail address. However, I do not see how that can be done, as the e-mail address itself can not be changed.

Best Answer

The purchase options for Google storage include bonus Gmail storage in the cost. You can go here to have a look, in essence both plans will boost your Gmail space to 25GB (plus you get the extra space on Google Drive of course).

Other things to try:

  • You could check for huge emails or attachments taking up space (some methods in this answer)
  • Make sure your Spam and Trash folders are empty
  • Download your emails using an email client like Thunderbird as describe in this Google article

Google also have a page on this topic with a number of suggestions - some included here and others more complex such as delegating the account to another.

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