Gmail – assign the contacts to different FROM accounts


I manage a few forwarded email accounts from one Gmail account. I would like to assign some of my contacts to different FROM emails.

For example: I manage,, from

When I contact, I would like the sender to be automatically become, otherwise if I forget it will be, which is not professional.

I know that Gmail does that automatically when I reply, but not when I compose. Is there a way to make it work also when I compose an email?

Best Answer

These are your options that I know of:

  • Use Gmail's "Send Feedback..." feature to request this addition. (Don't hold your breath because it's a very specialized feature that would make Gmail more complicated for almost anyone who encountered it unless it's a Gmail lab.)
  • Find or write a Chrome extension or a Greasemonkey script that modifies the Gmail UI web pages to add this feature. It will need some data lists telling it which contacts should use which "from" addresses.
  • Stop forwarding all these accounts to one inbox. Instead log in to each account separately, from a separate Chrome profile per account so they can each have their own Chrome windows logged in. Name each Chrome profile after the email address. Pick a distinct Chrome theme per profile to help tell window is which.

I recommend the last approach.