Gmail – Auto-forwarding emails to 2 email addresses


Can I auto-forward emails to multiple addresses in Gmail? Or if I create a group, can forward my emails to that address?

Best Answer

You can also use filters to do this. This page has the details which I'll copy below.

Create a filter to forward Emails to multiple accounts:

  1. Access your Gmail web interface ( and find the little gear in the top right-hand corner and left click it.

  2. Left click on settings

  3. Find the blue navigation items, across the top, and click on “Forwarding and POP/IMAP”

  4. Click on the Add a forwarding address button

  5. Enter in the Email address that you would like to forward the Emails to

  6. Google will send a verification Email, to the address chosen, so you will have to log into the account you added and click the link in the Email to verify the Email address.

  7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for all Email addresses you are forwarding to

  8. Access the settings again, with steps 1 and 2, but this time select the “filters” navigation item

  9. Click the link to “Create a new filter

  10. In the size fields, set them to greater than 0 bytes to catch everything. Now click the link “Create filter with this search

  11. In the next box that opens, Select the Forward it to: and choose (from a droplist) your first address to forward the Emails to. Don’t worry, we will add the rest momentarily

  12. Click the link again “Create filter with this search” and you will be returned to the filters main screen

  13. Repeat steps 9 through 12 to add in all the other Email recipients and keep all the settings the same