Gmail – Can’t Open Contacts but Merge and Delete Work


When I load the contacts list in Gmail, I can view the list of contacts but cannot open any. Merge and delete appears to work, I can also access them on my Android device but not via the Gmail UI.

Each time I try to load a contact I get the error

There was an error loading the contact.

How do I resolve this? I'm trying to avoid deleting everyone and re-importing them.

I have tried on several computers (Windows 7 and XP) with various browsers (Chrome, IE8 and IE9).

Best Answer

This seems like it might be a temporary issue on Google's side, not your browser. How long has it happened? If it is recent, I would wait 20 min, an hour, several hours and try again.

If this has been happening for a long time, there may be something wrong with your Gmail account specifically, and I would encourage you to send a bug report to Google directly.

Another suggestion to try:
There is an old version of the contacts manager at