Gmail – Choose which address of a gmail contact populates the ‘To’ field


I have a question similar to this one but slightly different.

Some of my contacts have two mail address, an old one I shouldn't write to if I expect an answer and a new one.

Now, I do not wish to delete the old address because I still want google to find the older mails exchanges whenever I perform a search on this user.

Is there a way to tell gmail though that it shouldn't offer this address as a possibility when I start typing the name of my contact?
(in other words, use this address for search only)

Best Answer

I tried several things and found some things out.

  • You can't change it by yourself.
  • The most contacted address is picked when there are multiple ones.
  • When you haven't contacted a person before, the most recently added address is picked.
  • The order in which the addresses are listed up in the contact details is unimportant.

It's sad that there is now way of defining a Default address.

Just as with phone numbers. Android phones let you choose a default number to call, but these defaults are only stored in your phone and are lost when you sync a new Android phone.