Gmail – Collapse nested labels by default


Some time ago Gmail used to open with each main label 'closed', i.e. with nested labels indicated only by a horizontally-facing triangle. Now, though, Gmail opens with everything open to the max – and since I have a great many nested labels, it is a mess. I have to page down the labels column for maybe a meter before getting to something that starts with e.g. N. This is time-consuming and frustrating. Is there any way to make Gmail open with sub-labels closed by default?

Best Answer

You mention:

Some time ago Gmail used to open with each main label 'closed', i.e. with nested labels indicated only by a horizontally-facing triangle.

The now default behaviour is to have the main labels at the state (extended/collapsed) as were left by the user.

This means that if the last time you visited gmail the main labels you (the user) left open will still remain open until manually closed (by clicking the little triangle) by you (the user).