Gmail – convert past “Inbox by Gmail” reminders to anything useful


Inspired by What will happen with reminders after Google Inbox dies?, which focuses mainly on future and, in particular, recurring reminders, I would like to know what happens to past ("Done") reminders, both the stand-alone ones as well as the note ones attached to emails.

And, more specifically, is there a way for me to convert "Done" reminders into something (like fake emails) that I can use (read, search, find) in Gmail? If so, could note ones be associated to the corresponding email thread?

I have checked various Gmail APIs, and none of them seem to allow me to access any "Inbox by Gmail"-specific information, which is a bummer. How do I takeout these data?

Best Answer

For a personal gmail account, you can download the set of reminders (past & present) on I haven't yet come across a way to convert them to "fake emails" in gmail as you suggest, sadly.

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