Gmail – Delay Bug with Contacts


After adding new contacts to a group in Gmail Contacts, an email sent to that group will be missing the recently added contacts, with no alert to that fact. You can check the emails to see if they're missing, but with hundreds in a group that's not really feasible, so I end up waiting many hours or a day before I dare send a message.

I don't expect anyone here to fix their bug, but I hope someone can tell me what the amount of time that I need to wait to be safe is.


How long do I need to wait before sending a message in Gmail to a group that I've just added contacts to?

Best Answer

The general answer we get from Google support is that unless otherwise stated, changes will take about 30 minutes to propagate to all servers. This is mostly in relation to API changes though - I've not heard/seen delays of hours or more from changes made via the UI.

If my users were consistently reporting significant delays for certain functions I'd be contacting support to ask why. Users expect that if the UI says something is done, then it truly is done.