Gmail – Email Addresses Not Recognized at Fully Qualified Domains


Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) may end with a final dot (e.g.

I understand the final dot indicates a FULL domain, and name matching shouldn't be tried on assumed domains. (ie. do not try to match, even if sent from inside a .edu site that is configured this way)

But if I try to send to a valid email address via Gmail that ends with a final dot, I get the error:

The address "" in the "To" field was not recognized. Please make sure that all addresses are properly formed.

Is Gmail correct in considering company-dot-com-dot improperly formed? Is this a Gmail error, or is there a reason that email addresses shouldn't use FQDNs that end with a final dot?

Best Answer

It would appear that Gmail and now Outlook are going against some interpretation of the RFCs.