Gmail – Emails to Google Groups email address aren’t working


When I send an email to the an email address in Google Groups, I get the following error from

Mail Delivery Subsystem

We're writing to let you know that the group you tried to contact (***) may not exist, or you may not have permission to post messages to the group. A few more details on why you weren't able to post:

  • You might have spelled or formatted the group name incorrectly.
  • The owner of the group may have removed this group.
  • You may need to join the group before receiving permission to post.
  • This group may not be open to posting.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google Group, visit the Help Center at

The address is setup to forward to group members immediately, but it doesn't seem to be getting through in the first place.

Best Answer

Emails to the group email address are inserted as and considered "posts" into the group thread.

If people outside the organization need to be able to send emails, you'll need to grant public access to be able to post to the group

  1. Go to Group Settings > General

    Group Settings

  2. Go to "Who can post" and set to "Anyone on the Web"

    Who can post