Gmail Filters – How to Filter All Updates to Privacy Policies


I get 3-5 emails a day with updates to privacy policies and terms of service from various web applications. Often I cannot unsubscribe from these messages since they are required by law. However, I do not have time to read them and simply delete them manually. I am looking for a way to filter these messages so they don't clutter my inbox, but have been unable to write a reliable filter query. The best I have is:

("privacy policy" OR "terms of service") "update" -in:important

But that is not specific enough since many emails contain the words "privacy policy" or "terms of service" in the footer. Also, the -in:important flag seems to have a bug where some conversations flagged important get through.

Best Answer

The simplest solution to your problem, even if it won't catch all cases is to filter by the subject of the email. For example:

  • subject:("privacy policy" OR "terms of service")

Will, as expected, show all emails that has "privacy policy" OR "terms of service" in their subject/title.