Gmail Filter Not Forwarding Email


I have a Gmail filter set up to forward some emails to another account.


The filter is correctly finding all of the incoming emails and is labeling them "WAVE" as it is supposed to. But it is not forwarding the email as it says it will.

I have already entered the forwarding confirmation code that was sent to the receiving email. I have also followed each of the steps on several tutorials, but to no avail.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem may be?

Best Answer

I had the same issue, and in my case it turns out that I had expected to be able to list off multiple emails with commas as delimiters in the From field when setting up a filter. It turns out I have to use OR as a delimiter. Now forwarding is working for me.

Expected to work:


Actually works:

From OR

The autocompletion in the filters works with commas, but not OR, which makes it confusing UX. Here's a list of all the operators: