Gmail Filter – Fix Issue with Emails Starting with ‘!’ Being Deleted


I tried to create a filter to trash all emails from (! – an email address used by my school to spam us.

After applying the filter to all my old messages, it trashed everything. I guesse the filter system reads a '!' as "not".

Can I roll back the change – or do I have to restore ALL my trashed emails (over 1000) to get back the 500+ that were incorrectly trashed.

Best Answer

Gmail shows a preview of the messages that the filter will apply to during the filter setup I'd encourage you to review the results in the future to make sure they are what you expect. Unfortunately at this time it is not possible to revert a filter after creation, but I'm passing along your feedback. If you haven't already, make sure to delete that filter from your Settings to prevent it from catching any new incoming messages.