Gmail – Filter to See Emails Never Replied To


Is there a quick way to search or filter my Gmail inbox to see all the emails I never replied to?

Best Answer

depends on "quick". here is quick tutorial:

  • go to
  • on the top left there is New script button
  • a new tab opens, wait to load and then press CTRL + A
  • next press BACKSPACE to remove everything unnecessary
  • copy and then paste this code:

 * This script goes through your Gmail Inbox and finds recent emails where you
 * were the last respondent. It applies a nice label to them, so you can
 * see them in Priority Inbox or do something else.
 * To remove and ignore an email thread, just remove the unrespondedLabel and
 * apply the ignoreLabel.
 * This is most effective when paired with a time-based script trigger.
 * For installation instructions, read this blog post:

// Edit these to your liking. var unrespondedLabel = 'No Response', ignoreLabel = 'Ignore No Response', minTime = '5d', // 5 days maxTime = '14d'; // 14 days

// Mapping of Gmail search time units to milliseconds. var UNIT_MAPPING = { h: 36e5, // Hours d: 864e5, // Days w: 6048e5, // Weeks m: 263e7, // Months y: 3156e7 // Years };


function main() { processUnresponded(); cleanUp(); }

function processUnresponded() { // Define all the filters. var filters = [ 'is:sent', 'from:me', '-in:chats', '(-subject:"unsubscribe" AND -"This message was automatically generated by Gmail.")', 'older_than:' + minTime, 'newer_than:' + maxTime ];

var threads =' ')), threadMessages = GmailApp.getMessagesForThreads(threads), unrespondedThreads = [], minTimeAgo = new Date();

minTimeAgo.setTime(subtract(minTimeAgo, minTime));

Logger.log('Processing ' + threads.length + ' threads.');

// Filter threads where I was the last respondent. threadMessages.forEach(function(messages, i) { var thread = threads[i], lastMessage = messages[messages.length - 1], lastFrom = lastMessage.getFrom(), lastTo = lastMessage.getTo(), // I don't want to hear about it when I am sender and receiver lastMessageIsOld = lastMessage.getDate().getTime() < minTimeAgo.getTime();

if (isMe(lastFrom) && !isMe(lastTo) && lastMessageIsOld && !threadHasLabel(thread, ignoreLabel)) {


// Mark unresponded in bulk. markUnresponded(unrespondedThreads); Logger.log('Updated ' + unrespondedThreads.length + ' messages.'); }

function subtract(date, timeStr) { // Takes a date object and subtracts a Gmail-style time string (e.g. '5d'). // Returns a new date object. var re = /^([0-9]+)([a-zA-Z]+)$/, parts = re.exec(timeStr), val = parts && parts1, unit = parts && parts2, ms = UNIT_MAPPING[unit];

return date.getTime() - (val * ms); }

function isMe(fromAddress) { var addresses = getEmailAddresses(); for (i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { var address = addresses[i], r = RegExp(address, 'i');

if (r.test(fromAddress)) {
  return true;


return false; }

function getEmailAddresses() { // Cache email addresses to cut down on API calls. if (!this.emails) { Logger.log('No cached email addresses. Fetching.'); var me = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(), emails = GmailApp.getAliases();

this.emails = emails;
Logger.log('Found ' + this.emails.length + ' email addresses that belong to you.');

} return this.emails; }

function threadHasLabel(thread, labelName) { var labels = thread.getLabels();

for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { var label = labels[i];

if (label.getName() == labelName) {
  return true;


return false; }

function markUnresponded(threads) { var label = getLabel(unrespondedLabel);

// addToThreads has a limit of 100 threads. Use batching. if (threads.length > ADD_LABEL_TO_THREAD_LIMIT) { for (var i = 0; i < Math.ceil(threads.length / ADD_LABEL_TO_THREAD_LIMIT); i++) { label.addToThreads(threads.slice(100 * i, 100 * (i + 1))); } } else { label.addToThreads(threads); } }

function getLabel(labelName) { // Cache the labels. this.labels = this.labels || {}; label = this.labels[labelName];

if (!label) { Logger.log('Could not find cached label "' + labelName + '". Fetching.', this.labels);

var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName(labelName);

if (label) {
  Logger.log('Label exists.');
} else {
  Logger.log('Label does not exist. Creating it.');
  label = GmailApp.createLabel(labelName);
this.labels[labelName] = label;

} return label; }

function cleanUp() { var label = getLabel(unrespondedLabel), iLabel = getLabel(ignoreLabel), threads = label.getThreads(), expiredThreads = [], expiredDate = new Date();

expiredDate.setTime(subtract(expiredDate, maxTime));

if (!threads.length) { Logger.log('No threads with that label'); return; } else { Logger.log('Processing ' + threads.length + ' threads.'); }

threads.forEach(function(thread) { var lastMessageDate = thread.getLastMessageDate();

// Remove all labels from expired threads.
if (lastMessageDate.getTime() < expiredDate.getTime()) {
  Logger.log('Thread expired');
} else {
  Logger.log('Thread not expired');


// removeFromThreads has a limit of 100 threads. Use batching.

if (expiredThreads.length > REMOVE_LABEL_TO_THREAD_LIMIT) { for (var i = 0; i < Math.ceil(expiredThreads.length / REMOVE_LABEL_TO_THREAD_LIMIT); i++) { label.removeFromThreads(expiredThreads.slice(100 * i, 100 * (i + 1))); iLabel.removeFromThreads(expiredThreads.slice(100 * i, 100 * (i + 1))); } } else { label.removeFromThreads(expiredThreads); iLabel.removeFromThreads(expiredThreads); }

Logger.log(expiredThreads.length + ' unresponded messages expired.'); }

  • click on the clock icon
  • press OK button
  • click on No triggers set up. Click here to add one now.
  • change Hour timer to a different frequency if you want
  • when done hit Save button
  • then hit Review Permissions button
  • select your account
  • on the bottom left select Advanced
  • scroll down and click on "Go to Untitled project (unsafe)"
  • press that Allow button
  • now open your Gmail (or reload with F5 key) and when the trigger gets activated (based how you've set it up) you will see two new labels:
    • Ignore No Response
    • No Response