Gmail – Filtering based on multiple labels in Gmail


I have some labels which are logically related. I'd like to filter those and put them in a second inbox by enabling multiple inbox lab feature. Is there a possible way to do that?

Additional info: All the labels start with "AJ"

Best Answer

You have two choices:

  1. label:AJ-Label-1 label:AJ-Label-2
  2. label:AJ-Label-1 OR label:AJ-Label-2

The first option will perform an AND search, meaning the email must have both labels applied to it. The second option performs an OR search which will match if any of the labels are applied to a message.

The fact that both start with AJ unfortunately doesn't help since labels can't be searched via stemming. You must list both of them explicitly in your query.

Tip: To make it easier to create queries, you should use the search box in Gmail which provides code completion, and then copy and paste the query into the Multiple Inboxes settings.

Note: If your labels contain spaces, replace the space with the - character.