Google Calendar – Why Invitations Cannot Be Forwarded and Workarounds


Several people in my organisation get this message in the following set up:

  1. (using Google apps) forwards everything to
  2. Someone invites
  3. While logged in under, they open the email and click "Yes" (or No or Maybe).

Some of us actually have a third layer,, which is not a mailbox, but just forwards everything to, and people sometimes send calendar invitations to that address. (Not sure if this is relevant).

They can instead do "Add to calendar", but that means the original sender doesn't get an attendance update.

There is very little information on this message on the web, so I think this must not be a general policy.

I would love to know:

  1. Does anyone have a set up like the above that doesn't have this problem?
  2. Is there anything we can do about it? Any suggested workaround?

Best Answer

If you are using Chrome, just right-click "Yes" (or No or Maybe), and choose 'open link in incognito window'. This is a way to let the sender know whether you are attending, without adding the event to your gmail Calendar.