Gmail & Google Docs – Paste Text Without Formatting

gmailgoogle docs

When I use Gmail and Google Docs (With Firefox 3.6.6), I often cut text from another HTML or PDF document.

When I paste this text into the document body, Gmail and Google doc will paste the text and the formatting. I almost never want to copy the formatting from another document, and I instead need to clean up the formatting afterwards.

Is there a magic key combination so that I can just paste the text, and not the formatting? (RANT: That's a dumb default behavior, and is becoming more common ever since Word switched to this behavior many years ago. How often do people want to copy the formatting?) Can I make this the default behavior for my Gmail or Google Doc editor?

I assume this behavior is mostly within the Google Application. I am also assuming that this behavior is common across most Google Apps. If this is actually a web-browser bug feature, let me know.

Best Answer

It seems that the browser must enable this feature.

Chrome/Firefox, PC: Ctrl + Shift + V

Chrome/Firefox, Mac: Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + V

Safari, Mac: Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + Option ⌥ + V