Google Mail Keyboard Shortcut for Delete on Mac

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I use the Google Mail keyboard shortcuts a lot and I've just started working on a Mac. One shortcut I use a lot is delete, which Google Mail listens for the # key.

However, when I press the equivalent on the Mac keyboard (Alt+3) it doesn't work. I've tried pressing backspace and Fn+Backspace but no luck.

Anyone out there know the solution?

Best Answer

It is Shift+3 within a message for Mac.
It is the same in the inbox as well

  1. You must move to the message with j/k
  2. Select a message with x
  3. Then press Shift+3

It could be that your keyboard layout is different.
Using a UK layout, it would be Option + 3 : + 3, but this does not work (Not sure why).
You can also remap your keys with the Google Labs feature : Custom keyboard shortcuts