Gmail – Google Username Aliases Not Editable


I have a friend, let's call her Sue.

She has a generic email, let's say it's

In my Gmail account, whenever I email her, Gmail autocompletes her email address, and gives it a human readable name as follows,

To: Sue Jones <>

Sue is now married, uses same email, and changed her last name to Smith. In my contacts, I've changed her name to Sue Smith. But Gmail continues to always autocomplete her name as:

To: Sue Jones <>

And every time I initiate an email to her, I have to edit the "TO" line, to read

To: Sue Smith <>

Is there a way to get Gmail to autocomplete using the correct name?

Several observations:

  • It's not the browser, as I see this in Firefox, internet explorer, clean installs of Chrome, and in the gmail android application.
  • Sue's Google+ profile has Sue Smith.
  • All emails from Sue, when examining the raw ASCII text format, have Sue Smith.

Best Answer

If you already updated her info on your Gmail contacts and there is no duplicate entry, It sounds like this issue might be caused by Sue herself. Has Sue updated her last name within Gmail? It might be the result of Google looking for the contact and pulling her info from her profile or settings which still reads Sue Jones. I suggest you ask her if she has updated her info on the Gmail settings page.