Gmail – GSuite user over storage quota – but numbers are below quota


Attached is a screenshot of what I see for a specific user.
She is complaining of not receiving emails anymore so I guess it's true.

But I am having a hard time understanding, how can she be "over" quota if both numbers are below 100%?

enter image description here

Best Answer


Could it be that she uses Gmail as a collect address form another email?

If that is the case it could be that her other email box is full and emails are not delivered to that address resulting to only those emails not delivered to Gmail (or anywhere else for that matter).


  • Ask her to send you an email and reply to it and see if she receives it.
  • Ask her to send an email to herself like:

Links with possible solutions to your issue
Keep in mind that the Storage on Legacy edition is 15 GB for each user on your Free Edition