Gmail – How to add Google Profile badge to Gmail signature


Okay so I read here how to pull up your Google Profile badge by itself. But can anybody figure out a way to add it to my GMail signature? Seems like a no-brainer for Google to self promote this way. Does it need to be submitted as a GMail Lab? Also adding a static image of this with the links broken would not do.

Edit: Now that I have my answer lets suggest this to Gmail Labs by Starring this feature request

Best Answer

Can't be done as things currently stand. You can't put HTML in your Gmail signature. Frankly, I think this is a good thing. I wouldn't want someone dropping IFRAMES or SCRIPT tags in e-mail to me.

Someone may be able to come up with a way to dynamically create an image from this, but it won't have links and may not work well all of the time.

So, unless and until Google implements this I'd say it's not currently possible.