Gmail Statistics – Analyze Who Sends the Most Emails


I'm trying to make the case to my small team that our email load would drop dramatically if we moved to something like It would greatly help my case if I could have some hard data rather than anecdotal data.

Does anyone know a way to generate some basic statistics by sender for Gmail?

For instance, in this case I would like to see:

  • What percentage of my email comes from sender X, Y or Z

But I would also love to know the top people I email and how often I'm sending them email, etc.

What's the best way to do this?

Immersion from the MIT Media Lab is kind of helpful in a visual way, but I'm looking for actual stats.

Best Answer

The best way is if you enable Gmail logs to BigQuery then you can run reports on these data points you're looking for.

You can also use use GYB with domain-wide delegation to and pull all emails from users and then find a way to query and analyse this data.