Gmail – How to change setting of Gmail to view HTML emails


This may sound like a dumb question, but I am having trouble with viewing a link (not in the form of a URL but some text that redirects you to a page once clicked) in one of the emails I have received.

I have done some Google search but it did not yield anything useful – the mostly focus on how to change the UI from using AJAX to plain HTML.

One suggestion I had was change the setting of the account so that the emails that I open are viewed as HTML rather than plain text, but frankly I was not able to find that option in my account settings. I am hoping anyone could either direct me to change the account setting to view the email as a HTML and not a plain text, or provide other possibilities as to why the link cannot be clicked. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

To use Gmail in basic HTML use the basic HTML view. From the reference:

Basic HTML view is what you’ll see when you sign in to Gmail using a browser that is not supported. For a preview, see basic HTML view. This view is compatible with almost any browser but does not support the following features:

  • Chat Spell checker
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Adding or importing contacts
  • Custom 'From:' addresses
  • Rich formatting

Standard view and basic HTML view - Gmail Help