Gmail – How to change swipe behaviour in Gmail on iPhone Safari from Archive to Delete


Does anyone know if it is possible to change the swipe behaviour in Gmail on iPhone Safari from Archive to Delete?

I know this can be done in the native iPhone mail app on iOS 4, but I'm specifically asking about the Mobile Safari version. When I'm on my work WiFi network we can't get directly to the Gmail IMAP servers so I leave a Safari session open and would like to change the swipe behaviour to be consistent with the Native Mail app.

Best Answer

I don't believe that it's possible with the web version.

It's possible on the native Mail app because it's simply changing the folder where a swiped messages goes; it works with all hosts because Mail just says "move this message to folder X".

However, the Gmail online app isn't an IMAP client that says "move this message", but instead is Gmail itself. It would be like trying to change the function of the "Archive" button on the computer version of Gmail to do a delete instead: changing the functionality instead of the destination.