Gmail – How to Create a Filter to Move Emails


I get a lot of email alerts that I need but don't want cluttering up my inbox. If I right click on them, there is an option to move them to a folder. I want to set up a filter to do that automatically, but when I create the filter, there is not an option to do that. There is only an option to apply a label, which makes it show up in both the folder and in the inbox. How do I create a filter to actually move the emails?

Best Answer

The problem is that Gmail is not consistent in how things are worded. What the move command does when you right-click on an email is to add the label of the "folder" you are moving it to AND remove the "Inbox" label (aka Archive it).

So, to create a filter that does the same thing as the right-click "move" function, you need to check both the option to "Apply the label" of the folder you want it to go to and check the option for "Skip the Inbox (Archive it)"