Gmail Filters – Creating Filters for External Calendar Notifications


My question is similar to this question, but I would like to filter calendar notifications that came from applications other than Google Calendar. I have been successfully filtering Google Calendar notifications using the filter Has the words: *.ics ("Invitation:" OR "Accepted" OR "Declined"), but have not found a way to filter calendar notifications from Outlook users.

Edit: Here's a screenshot of an email invitation sent from MS Outlook. Unfortunately, since it's a work account, I can't include the message source. The only reference the source contains to "calendar" is Content-Type: text/calendar;. It appears as though Gmail is automatically parsing some information and creating the calendar box shown above the text of the email.

Calendar invite email from MS Outlook

Best Answer

I'm not sure how I missed this previously, but the following filter seems to correctly catch all Microsoft Outlook calendar invites, updates, etc.

Has the words: filename:ics