Gmail – How to Create Filter to Archive Smart Label Messages


I accidentally deleted the filters for auto-archiving (skip the inbox) messages that go into my smart label (promotions, social, etc.) folders.

How can I re-enable/re-create these filters so that my inbox stops being full of these?

Best Answer

I deleted my Promotions labels thinking I wouldn't need it anymore but I prefer it over the new inbox so I searched a little and this seems to have worked:

  1. Create a new label with the same name as the Smart Filter, in my case "Promotions"

  2. Create a new filter and enter the value "label:^smartlabel_promo" in the "Has the words" field. When you do a sample filter search, that value becomes "category:promotions" automatically

  3. Save the filter and the Smart Label for Promotions should be restored

Source for #2: