Gmail – How to delete a range of emails in Gmail


I want to delete a date range of emails (from jan 2011-sept 2011). I do NOT want to delete all my emails, and I would rather not have to do it page by page. (100 conversations at a time) Is this possible?

Best Answer

  1. Use the advanced search operators before: and after: to select your date range in the search

    search operators

  2. Click the "select all" checkbox

    select checkbox

  3. Click the link to "Select all conversations that match this search" "conversations selected" message

  4. Note that all conversations are now selected "all conversations selected" message

  5. Click Delete

Done! If you want them "gone" gone at this point, empty your "Trash".

Do note that this selects conversations, not individual messages. If a conversation spans your start or end date you might catch things you didn't intend. (Obviously of no concern if you have turned off conversation view.)