Gmail – How to download all images from Gmail messages


I have a huge number of e-mail messages saved in Gmail with single image (snapshot.jpg, ~500Kb each) attachments. Some messages are combined into e-mail chains (but not all of them due to e-mail chain limit of 100 messages). Now I want to download all attachments from such messages.

I've tried to Forward All messages and then send a message to myself, but it doesn't work since the final size of the message is higher than 25 Mb.

I've also tried to get image links through Google Chrome console (like $('.vI').src), but it returns just one image link.

Is there any other way to download all images from the messages with a particular subject?

I use Google Chrome on OSX.

Best Answer

I think what you are looking for is Attachment Extractor (Thunderbird Plugin). This however requires that you use Thunderbird. Thunderbird is a free Mozilla email client that will also work with Gmail. This plugin will allow you to take all your files that are in your GMail account, grab all the attachments (even filtered like... all jpg files and gifs) and save them off. As the site states...

Awesome free email services like Gmail have made it possible to exchange multiple emails with attachments (almost) without the fear of exceeding the storage space. As a result, we have lots of important files and documents saved online in our inboxes.

Hope this helps