Gmail – How to efficiently copy recipients from old Gmail message


I am using Gmail webmail in Safari and Chrome on a Mac. Often I want to send a new message to all the same people as in an old email in my inbox. My workflow for this is as following:

  • click compose
  • find an old email, and click show details
  • copy everything in to: and paste to new message
  • copy from: and paste to new message
  • find my own address and delete it

This workflow is very tedious, and there is a high risk that I do something wrong when copying the recipients. Is there a better way? -some shortcut or something that allows me to use Reply to all as a way to make a new message to all.


It has been suggested to use Reply to all and then edit the subject. The problem with that is that the email does not lose its connection to the previous thread. I have sent a test to myself and looking at the source(Show original), I can see the ID of the previous thread under References: and In-Reply-To:. Maybe I should not worry about this!? -or maybe there are e-mail clients, that sort the treads from these pieces of information, and not just the subject!?

By replying to a message, and sending it to myself, the source looks like this:
Message source

The ID, ...QYT_Q@... is the ID of the message, that I made the reply to.

Best Answer

Reply to the email then delete all the pre-populated content?

A 'reply' is really just a new email that contains the same subject, sometimes with RE: appended to it.

If you just delete this content (the subject and the mail body) then there's no link between this 'new' email, and the one you actually replied to - except it'll keep all the To: and Cc: information.