Gmail – How to exclude archived messages from the multiple inboxes view


I turned off conversation mode.
I set up a filter that applies the label Family to any email coming from a family member's email address.
I set up a separate mailbox inside Gmail for any emails with the label Family.

Is there a way to set up the search filter to not show me the ones I have archived? I have tried the following:

label:Family AND -in:inbox
label:Family AND NOT in:inbox

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

You've got it a bit backwards there. "Archive" simply means to remove the "Inbox" label. So, if something is "unarchived", it means it's still in your Inbox.

label:Family in:inbox

Just a note: AND is superfluous, because the search is implicitly "AND". Also, "NOT" does not work. - is used for negation.