Gmail – How to filter emails from mailing lists that have no “to:” entry


I have a small 5 man team and we use Google for our email. All of the mail goes to and we filter it to our personal emails from there. So if someone sends mail to it gets caught by the "to:" filter and passed on.

I keep getting 'indirect' emails, usually from mailing lists that people signed up for, that the filter can't catch.

For Example:

from:    gov-list <>  
cc:      gov-list <>  
date:    Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 11:04 AM  
subject: email list stuff
  1. Why can't I see who this is being sent to?
  2. How can I properly filter these to the right people?

Best Answer

You probably can't see who it's being sent to because the sender didn't put a value in the to: field. This is fairly common for mailing lists and such and is a courtesy; I know I get annoyed when my email address is exposed in a message sent to hundreds of people.

If you open up the message menu and choose "Show Original", you'll get a view of the raw email, including the headers. The "delivered-to:" heading there will let you know who the ultimate recipient was.

To filter these messages, you'll want to use the deliveredto: operator. In your filter, in the "Has the words" field, put

(Obviously, replace the email address with the email address you're filtering for.)