Gmail – How to filter out mailing list threads where I participate in


I subscribe to a mailing list, where a large number of messages are posted each day. I don't want these mails to disturb me, so I've set up a filter that automatically

  • moves these messages to a certain label and
  • skips the inbox

The Gmail filter is:

Matches: list:(
Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "Miscellaneous/FFmpeg-Mailing"

Now, sometimes I'd like to participate in a few threads. I would like those threads not to be automatically archived, but appear in my inbox like every other message.

How do I achieve this?

Best Answer

Another option would be to create a filter where it checks for your email address in the "From:" and the mailing list's address in the "To:" and applies a different label.

Matches: from:( to:(
Do this: Apply label "participating"

It doesn't match exactly what you want to do, but the threads you're participating in will be easily found.