Gmail – How to find an email message in Gmail when it’s from a name that has last name placed first (Last, First)


Let's say I want to find "John Mills" in Gmail. When I type in john into the contacts, John Mills' email doesn't come up because it's saved as "Mills, John". Because Gmail has stored a large number of "Mills" last names, when I type in "Mills", "Mills, John" doesn't come up either.

How do I solve this problem?

To clarify, search works when I use Google Contacts. I need help when I'm searching the name in the "To:" box in Gmail.

Best Answer

The easiest way will be to add "John Mills" and, most importantly, his email address, to your contacts. Then, when you search for "John Mills" his email address will be used as part of the search.

Although, to be honest, in my tests, searching for "John Mills" returns "Mills, John" without issue. Perhaps the key is that you need to use both first and last name.

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