Gmail – How to make sure I’m not appearing on other people’s email as “Do you know ?”


From time to time Google decides to tell me that I might know some people by their G+ profile from whom I only ever contact via email. (I don't, and don't want to, know or have to do anything with their G+ account)

Case in point: I have this person with whom I exchanged a few emails about 1-3 years ago. Now he's showing up in my email.

the email in my inbox

Similarly, I'm sure he must be getting same email about me.

I repeat, I don't want these people whom I only contact via gmail to find my G+ profile.

What do I do to make that sure?

Best Answer

Go to your Google+ settings:

Uncheck these:

enter image description here

Remove unnecessary email contacts from Gmail, check also the "Other contacts":

I hope this helps!