Gmail – How to manage images in Gmail signatures centrally


We use Gmail for business.

We'd like the same image to appear in all staff email signatures.

From time to time, we need to change the image:

We'd like to be able to update the image once, centrally; and for it to update in people's signatures without each staff member needing to replace the image in their own signature.

Staff have other details in their signatures also – details individual to them, such as their name.

Is there a way to manage the signature image centrally?

For example to host it somewhere, and add some code into Gmail signatures?

If yes, what code would do the trick?

Best Answer

Yes there is a quick and easy way to do this! If you use a signature management platform like Xink you will be able to manage all staff email signatures centrally, including changing images in the email signatures as often as needed. The employees don't need to do anything, it all takes place from the central administration dashboard and is automatically pushed to all staff emails.

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