Gmail – How to Mark One Message as Unread Without Marking the Entire Conversation


Sometimes I want to mark just one message as unread and not tue entire conversation, so when I open the conversation only the unread message is readily visible (like when new messages are added to a read conversation – when you open it, only new messages are readily visible)

Is there a way to do it?

Best Answer

You can't as of now. Sorry!

There is one option though .. Go in Google Labs (once you are logged in on Gmail) .. then enable Mark Unread From Here and try!!

Description of what it does .. *

Adds a new option to each individual message's drop-down menu that will set that message and all following messages as unread, so when you come back to the conversation later you can pick up reading where you left off. Click the button with the triangle icon in the corner of the specific message you want to start reading from later, then select "Mark unread from here"


Hope it helps.