Gmail Filters – How to Modify Filters


How do I create a filter in gmail like the following :

from:amy OR to:amy

Is it possible to create this kind of filter using the "Create new filter wizard" or do I have to manually edit the filters. If so, how?

So, far what I am able to do is create something like following, which is AND operation.

from:amy to:amy

Best Answer

To make an or condition just simply make two filters. It's possible to use the or condition in one of the lines for example:

From: OR

But you cannot have an OR statement for two different fields such as From and To.

I believe creating two filters though one, containing only the from and the other containing only the to. Yes it may require a few more seconds of work but that's the best your going to get for now.

OR try this:

  1. Create or modify a filter.
  2. In the Has the words field, enter your OR condition. For example: OR